
Customer Testimonials

  • Nat, thank you so so much for helping my mom with her Australian visa application process. She literally could not have done it without your help and knowledge, and I think meeting with you was what made her decide to give it another go after a very discouraging experience with a different agency. Most amazing efficient service. Thank you!!!

    Australia Visa

  • Natalie Levi was far beyond fantastic at helping us with our ancestral visa application! She was a godsend!! It would of been the most stressful thing we had to do, but having Natalie by our side through the entire process, it went very smoothly and eliminated the stress completely!! Not only was her help and organisation invaluable, but she remained super calm and on top of everything, ALWAYS with a happy smile and much thoughtfulness, nothing being too much! She even followed up with us long after! Thank you so much Natalie, couldnt have done it without you!!

    Ancestral Visa – UK Immigration

  • Natalie helped me with my Canadian and American Visa. The process is well known for being laborious, however with her excellent knowledge and quick assistance made it a piece of cake!!
    Thanks so much for your efficient assistance!!

    Canada and USA

  • Natalie provided an awesome service throughout the Visa application service. Very knowledgeable and experienced..AND.. even followed up afterwards to find out if our trip went well… Highly recommend !!!

    UK visa

  • We had left our Visa Applications a bit late, so I took to Facebook to ask for recommendations on how to obtain our UK visas in the most expedient manner.

    I was fortunate enough to be directed to Natalie Levi who took care of all the stress and slog for us. She managed the entire process from the onset

    • by providing us with the necessary documentation,
    • checking that all our paperwork was in order,
    • doing the online application,
    • arranging the appointment
    • and most importantly dealing with all my concerns in a patient and friendly manner.

    Once we had had our interview at the Visa office, she contacted me to find out if all had gone well.

    I would thoroughly recommend Natalie if you want professional and efficient assistance to do your Visa application.
    Not only does she have plenty experience in this field, but her services were competitively priced as well.

    2 x UK visit Visas

  • Good news, Both Derick and I are in possession of our passports with all the relevant visas in! Thank you for your assistance, without your help and advice I would surely not have received both of mine in time for our travels.

    UK and Belgium Visit visa’s

  • Hi Natelie, Thank you so much super woman!!! You are really a star! Be assured that these two elderly people will never forget you and it is our sincerest wish that you would grow in stature in your career!

    Australia visit visa’s

  • Hi Natalie, Just a note to tell you that our passports and documents arrived right now at my office. So excited! Thank you so much for all your patience and all the help that you gave us – we could not have managed without it. Kind regards Penny (and my dad and brother)

    British passport renewals and NEW British passport

  • Natalie Please pass on my thanks and congratulations to anybody involved in my passport renewal application. I was hoping that I would have the new passport by mid-January, and it arrived yesterday, less than 2 weeks! Wow, service like this is uncommon nowadays so I am totally knocked out. Thank you.

    British passport Renewal

  • Hi Natalie, I collected my passport this morning, all in order and got my 5 year visa. Thank you for all your assistance and really appreciate your patience and helpfulness and making the process of obtaining a visa stress free.

    UK 5 year visit visa

  • Hi Natalie, I’ve just collected my passport/visa!! Thanks very much. Your efficiency and happy attitude have been a joy to work with! I will definitely refer you to anyone I know who may need visas in the future.

    Spain Visit Visa

  • I have been very pleased with the service has been provided. However, I must say that in my dealings most recently, I have been over the moon with Natalie Levi’s service. She is professional, prompt in responding and always friendly and extremely efficient. She goes beyond the call of duty

    Uk Ancestral Immigration Visa

  • Hi Natalie, Many thanks for your services. Everything ran smoothly and the visas worked out in time. Will definitely recommend you and your company to friends and family.

    UK and French visa’s

  • Hi Natalie, Thank you so much for all your guidance and assistance throughout this whole process! It was definitely smooth sailing all the way, thanks to your expertise!

    UK visit visa and Netherlands Visa

  • Wow, I am super impressed. However, I would also like to thank you for all your professional assistance. You are an asset to your company. Thank you once again Natalie..

    Australia visit visa

  • Hi Natalie, We just wanted to say thank you for your friendly and efficient service. I will recommend you to anyone.

    Poland Visit Visa

  • Hi Natalie, Ek wil jou bedank vir die vinnige diens en vir al jou hulp. Van die puikste diens ooit!!! Ek en Percy kan net met lof van jou praat. Gaan haal ek die paspoorte by die ambassade self af? Weereens dankie vir alles.

    USA visitor Visa

  • Dear Natalie, Just want to say thank you again for all your help and guidance on applying for my moms VISA today she received her passport and her valid visa for 6 months. You have have been a star and we are very grateful for all your help.

    UK visit visa

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